English Version
What is an educator? According to Google, an educator is someone who provides instruction. This definition is quite broad for a field that is so particular with all that it involves. When being an educator, one must put up with a lot of excess issues besides just providing instruction. If you are an educator within a school, you have a bunch of kids trying to overrun your patience. If you are an educator within a company, you have a huge amount of stress on your shoulders as you are responsible for the training. With both of these roles, education is the focus and allows for those they teach to learn new ideas and broaden their scope of the world.
To become an educator, one needs to be culturally aware of their surroundings. Also those who they may teach from a different background. During this time we live in, more people are moving to America for a better life and to live the American Dream. Therefore, it is important that educators obtain understanding on how to best educate them. They must involve their culture within their discussions. An educator takes on a difficult task of having to not only be aware of themselves but to teach those around them the importance of being culturally respectful. This job is a special one and should not be taken lightly as it comes with a huge responsibility.
Overall, an educator determines the way we live and think. If we do not emphasize the importance of a culturally aware education, then we will never grow to think outside of our box.
Spanish version
What is an educator? According to Google, an educator is someone who provides instruction. This definition is quite broad for a field that is so particular with all that it implies. When it comes to an educator, one has to put up with a lot of trouble in excess in addition to simply providing instruction. If you are an educator within a school, you have a lot of children trying to invade your patience. If you are an educator within a company, you have a great deal of stress on your shoulders as you are responsible for training. With both roles, education is the focus and enables those who teach to learn new ideas and expand their reach of the world.
Para ser educador, uno necesita ser culturalmente consciente de su entorno . Y también de aquellos a quienes pueden enseñar desde un fondo diferente. Durante este tiempo vivimos, más personas se están mudando a América para una vida mejor y para vivir el sueño Americano. Por lo tanto, es importante que los educadores obtengan comprensión sobre la mejor manera de educarlos. e involucrar su cultura dentro de sus discusiones. Un educador asume una difícil tarea de tener que ser conscientes de sí mismos, sino de enseñar a quienes les rodean la importancia. de ser culturalmente respetuosos. Este trabajo es especial y no debe tomarse a la ligera, ya que viene con una gran responsabilidad.
In general, an educator determines the way we live and think. If we don’t emphasize the importance of a culturally conscious education, then we will never get to think outside of our box.
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