Nurses, physicians and patients need to communicate

Need for translators in the medical field?

There is a growing demand for more Spanish translators in the medical field as more Hispanics move to the more English prominent language areas.  Nurses and physicians are finding it difficult to have conversations with their Spanish speaking patients which has affected the quality of care.  As the population of Spanish speakers grows, accommodations need to be made to help both the patients and the healthcare workers.  Studies have shown that many Spanish speaking patients are 40% less likely to receive appointments.  This is a sad reality many of these people within this population face along with poverty. For this population to become a part of these English prominent areas, language plays a big role.  It is important for networks to come together to help with this issue.  To help with these issues, you can contact Sauls International for help with your language service needs at!



Bernard AC, Summers A, Thomas J, Ray M, Rockich A, Barnes S, Boulanger B, & Kearney P. (2005). Novel Spanish translators in the medical field for acute care nurses and physicians: usefulness and effect on practitioners’ stress. American Journal of Critical Care14(6), 545–550.

Carmen Valero-Garcés. (2019). Training public service interpreters and translators: facing challenges. Revista de Llengua i Dret – Journal of Language and Law71, 88–105.

Robert A. Natheson, Brendan Saloner, Michael R. Richards, & Karin V. Rhodes. (2016). Spanish-Speaking Immigrants’ Access to Safety Net Providers and Translation Services Across Traditional and Emerging US Destinations. The Milbank Quarterly94(4), 768.