Testimonials can be a great way to advertise a business. Using positive customer experiences will help new customers decide if the product and the service on the web site are what they are looking for. Many businesses have testimonials throughout their web site, while others have a separate page devoted to customer reactions. When creating a page like this, ask satisfied customers what they think about the product, the customer service, and other items that they thought improved their experience.
It is a good idea to limit testimonials to no more than one page. This is usually as much as a person will read anyway. Using short paragraphs, the testimonial should tell about a positive experience the customer had and why they will be returning the next time they need a product from the web site. If possible, include a picture of the customer and some personal information. Potential customers like to identify with other customers. Rotating these testimonials every few weeks will help increase business as it will show more satisfied customers.
Sending out a questionnaire to customers that are on the mailing list is a great way to find testimonials. Most people are very willing to talk about the positive experiences they have had when using a web site or product. However, using an incentive like 10% off their next order will influence the customer even more to write a testimonial. While the response will be great, choose four or five that best represent the web site. Keep the other testimonials on file and rotate them as necessary. Building up a file will allow these pages to be updated regularly. They can also be used in email campaigns, print brochures, and even commercials. Many people advertise their business in different ways in order to reach as many people as possible. Using testimonials will reaffirm a person’s faith in trying a new product or service and will help increase business online as well as offline.
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