The secret to traveling for less is simply being an optimist. Look for opportunities to pay less, but make sure you’re looking in the right places. What countries are the cheapest for traveling? Where do the locals eat? What attractions are free? All of these questions have easy-to-find answers.


First, what countries are the cheapest? Typically countries with beautiful and natural landscapes are the best place to get more bang for your buck. You will be able to spend less money on attractions if you are living in the attraction. Countries such as this are often found in Central America where the weather is warm, the outdoors are exotic, and the views of the Andes Mountains are breathtaking. These countries include Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Guatemala. Check out the currency exchange rate to see how much money you will be able to spend.


Traveling in Asia also costs less in countries like Thailand and Indonesia. Planes tickets to these countries are considerably low compared to flights with other destinations. Low traveling expenses leave more room for spending your money on food or entertainment. 


Second, how can you spend less money while you are there? One of the best tips for saving money is to eat where locals eat because it costs less. The cost of eating where tourists eat will be higher because restaurants know most people who travel have plenty of money. Eating with locals will also give you a chance to experience the unique culture that this country has to share. You may even have a chance to practice your foreign language skills.


Locals have plenty of information to share about what places have the best deals. Ask people where it is cheapest to stay, ask them about free attractions, and ask what form of transportation is the best way to save money. In several countries traveling by bus is cheaper than using taxis. 


In some countries, it is normal to negotiate prices. Don’t be afraid to negotiate at local food markets. Also, try negotiating the price of your room. People in countries such as Ecuador are used to bargaining.


If you plan on traveling soon, follow these tips and just watch how much you can save.


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